Sunday, January 29, 2012

Making a Travel Bag Part 1

Well this was the first week of the Sew For a Cause: Suede Says Red Bag Sew Along.  I had a lot to do this week, but I did get started on the bag.

I made 6 yards of piping and 6 yards of white 1/2 inch double fold bias tape. I sewed the white webbing on top of the blue webbing for the handles of the bag.  I did get all the pattern pieces cut out, and I stitched the zippers into the front double pleated pocket(three times I might add!).

I have to admit that I had to take the zippers out twice.  I made the mistake of using expandable zippers.  It is a product that has 3 yards of zipper tape and you just cut off what you need and add the zipper pull ( the pulls come with the product and attaching them is a story in itself!) .  I believe this type of zipper will do fine for the zipper around the bag because the ends  will be well hidden, but not so good for the front.  Even though it means taking them out for the third time, I may just do that, and use regular 9 inch zippers.  They are made where you can turn the ends under and these zippers by the yard are made solid.

I am not at all happy with the way they look.  It means I will fall a little behind, but I think it will be worth it and I will be able to catch up pretty quick.  I just don't like the unfinished edges showing like they do.

You really can't see the problem very well in these pictures, but take my word for it, this type of zipper does not create  a polished look for this kind of an application.

I will just have to keep playing with it and see if I can find a way to create a zipper finish that I can accept, but I will  go ahead and order my zippers!

Any ideas or suggestions, if so please comment and let me know!

 See ya soon!

 Happy Sewing!
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